Category: game development

  • Hot Reloading Tilemap Data in Phaser 3

    Hot Reloading Tilemap Data in Phaser 3

    In a previous article we learned how to load changes to a game’s source code in a running Phaser game using Parcel 2’s Hot Module Replacement. That only applies to hot reloading changes to the game’s logic (i.e. its code), not its data or assets. Once we’ve tasted the productivity-boosting benefits of hot reloading, however,…

  • Hot Module Replacement with Parcel 2 and Phaser 3

    Hot Module Replacement with Parcel 2 and Phaser 3

    Accelerate game development with an advanced programming technique! Quick Links: It’s no secret that developing even a seemingly simple a video game is a ton of work. Fussing over the play experience and making sure it’s just right comprises a large chunk of that work, often requiring manually testing various aspects of the game after…